Tuesday, August 4, 2009

my vibe????

Now, to some people this post may seem rather strange, or irrational. But it's just my thoughts on something that happened today. I was traveling back from New Mexico. On one of my flights back, both of the seats next to me were empty (I was flying Southwest, so people get to choose their seats). From what I could tell, the other rows had numerous people in them. As people came on after me (I was sitting in a window seat), numerous people passed me or looked around at the seats near me when choosing a seat. I couldn't help but wonder if I put off a certain "vibe" that people don't want to sit near me. I know that I shouldn't feel sad or slightly depressed that perfect strangers didn't want to sit in the same row as me (it didn't even have to be right next to me), but I still have questions. Is it the way I look? Is is the expression on my face? Is it what I'm wearing? What is it that makes them choose another seat?

Like I said, at the beginning of this post, this may not make sense to people. It was just something that I thought off on my flight today.

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