Saturday, August 8, 2009

how do I appear?

Sometimes I often wonder if I complain TOO MUCH about the struggles going on in my life. I feel as if I spend too much time dwelling on the bad. I think that people pick up on this. I then wonder if this turns people away; if it makes people not like me?

I really wonder how I appear to other people. Not only how I appear to people in real life, but also how I appear to people who may be reading my blog. Do I come across the same way in both? Or do people see me differently?

To be perfectly honest, I'd like to know that people are reading my blog. I know that it may seem shallow and that I'm striving for attention. I think so much of this wish strives from me jus wanting to know that people care (in both my life and the blogging world). But am I driving people away by the focus and topics of my blog? Would I have more followers if I focused more on the positive things? Or should I remain real to myself?


Jane said...

Let's just share our thoughts, hopes, fears, feelings. We are Christians, imperfect, but forgiven. :)

Me, Myself and I... said...

You ask a question of those who read your blog. How do you appear to us? You appear real. This may seem a very simple answer and honestly it is simple. I really wouldn't worry about how you appear to us or anyone else for that matter. In the end, it only matters how you appeared to Him :)Bless you!