Sunday, March 7, 2010

my time???

When will it be my time?  When will it be my time to finally meet a guy?  How much longer am I going to have to wait?  Does anyone have any idea how hard it is for me when I don't have any similar experiences to what you are talking about?  Do you have any idea how pathetic I feel that I'm in my mid twenties and I've only been on 1 date!  I wish that I could move past these feelings.  Sometimes it doesn't bother me as much, but lately it has again. 

Okay, onto another topic.  I've been doing awful at my weight loss plan the last few weeks!  I haven't been working out and I haven't been tracking my calories.  It seems that I've gotten so busy and after being sick, I've lost the motivation!  I know that I need to get up in the morning and start working out again!!!!

1 comment:

Regina said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear that your silence is due to illness and not due to some wonderful month long vacation on a private beach!

I think that the coming of spring will bring great things with it - motivation, success, and possibly even a late cupid arrow!

Best of luck...