Thursday, August 5, 2010


I was actually looking forward to my weigh in yesterday; I felt like I had lost some weight.  Well, I gained 0.2 pounds!!  I gained!  Now, it know it's not a lot, but I've been taking at least a 1 hour walk everyday except for Sunday!  I've also been trying to eat better, more veggies and smaller portions of the "bad" stuff.  I was kind of frustrated when that happened.  Thankfully my supportive friend, told me not to give up!  When I talked to her on the phone, she told me to keep it up!  I think what my be deterring my weight loss is my lack of sleep.  I haven't been getting enough sleep for the last few weeks.  I'm probably averaging 5-6 hours a night.  I need to be getting at least 7, hopefully 8.  They say getting enough sleep helps with weight lose.  Another friend reminded me that I'm probably gaining muscle.   I just know that I need to keep working at it.  I'm going to try and add some variety in my workouts by doing a walking DVD at least a couple of mornings a week, because it adds some muscle strengthening.

Until next time, God bless everyone!
-Single Lutheran